The Family Council on Drug Awareness"Responsible decisions based on accurate information." |
Teenage alcohol: The stepping stone drugAmong teenagers, alcohol is used more frequently than all other illicit drugs combined. Recent data show that more than 30% of high school seniors and 25% of tenth graders reported binge drinking. Alcohol-related car crashes are a major cause of death for young people aged 15 to 24. Alcohol is also associated with homicides, suicides and drownings. Adolescent drinking has been linked to risky sexual behaviors that can lead to AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and unintended pregnancies. An overwhelming number of college students use alcohol and nearly half of them engage in binge drinking. Students who binge drink are more likely to damage property, get into trouble with the authorities, miss class and experience injuries. Most importantly, they risk alcohol poisoning, which can lead to death. I offer these suggestions to help curtail this serious public health problem: Strictly enforce minimum age-of-sale laws to help parents Understand that anyone can develop a serious alcohol problem, including teenagers. Talk with your children about alcohol. Research shows that when parents talk with teens about drinking, those teens are less likely to use alcohol.
Content (c) 2000-2004. Family Council on Drug Awareness (FCDA), El Cerrito CA Socially Responsible Network |