In honor of all the drug policy
reform activists who worked so hard, but did not live to see
the day of freedom and realization. They are true heroes of
liberty and justice.
1: Don Topping, Cheryl Miller, Tom Crosslin and Rollie
Rohm, Peter McWilliams, Genie Brittingham Erstad, Joe Hart,
Ian Hunter, Robert Randall, Gil Puder, Jim
2: Laura Carden, Robert Lunday, Norm Major, Ralph
Seeley, Ken and Barbara Jenks, Kirk Hampton, Keith David
Whitaker, Roland Heyne Jr., Christie Bohling, Tom
3: Eddie Smith, Brownie Mary Rathbun, Tom Flowers, Buddy
the MIA POW, Steven Smith, Steve Michael, Alan Martinez,
Rufus King, Bob Basker, Hazel Rogers
4: Ron Crickenberger, Judith Cushner, Mary Gennoy,
Cecilia Franceschini, Pope Micky, Kioshi Kurimaya